Here are some mods that can push the engine to its very limits. Mods are capable of not only enhancing the game engine but can actually co-opt it into a whole new experience. If Westeros is not your scene, let this mod at least be a sign that you can search for any fictional universe to satisfy your cravings to rewrite fictional as well as real history. Playing VeF and any other Total Conversion mod is like experiencing a whole new game. Once again, everything is changed from graphic interface to ideas to even how vassal integration works. It's the gold standard in uplifting your EUIV experience to the next level. You'll find yourself managing parts of empire building you never thought could be experienced. Take on the role of any of the hundreds of budding empires or establish one through decisions vying to make their mark to bring civilization to the world in this magnum opus of a mod.Įverything from provinces to government to religion and culture is tweaked, changed, or outright enhanced. This total suite has everything from map changes to period and nation appropriate events. Imperium Universalis is the Gold Standard of total conversion mods bringing to life the world of BC in stunning and meticulously researched detail. Take a step back in time to the ancient world where the legacy of Alexander the Great still lives and a dream of universal empire looms on the horizon. With these, you rarely need any other mods as they are a complete holistic package with a singular vision. Total Conversion Mods are giant behemoth mods that tweak almost everything about the game. Ranked by number of subscribers on Steam. They will have separate instructions on their respective pages on the Paradox Forum. There are some mods that are too large for Steam Workshop. It's there that you can choose to activate or de-activate mods. Simply go to the Steam Workshop for EUIV and any mods you subscribe to will automatically be downloaded onto the launcher. So instead of gawking at the sheer quantity and quality of mods, let's look at how easy it is to enhance the vanilla game via four key categories to get any megalomaniac started on a fuller EUIV experience. Thankfully, it's hard to go wrong with the quality of the modding community for EUIV as they've made the game almost infinitely replayable. With over four thousand mods, the top one hundred of which having between 10K - K subscribers, trying to tweak your Europa Universalis IV game can be intimidating.