Our terms of service may be updated any time, before and after purchase. Of course, Paradise requires you to have a Custom Firmware installed. Opening a payment dispute may result in your license key being disabled. We reserve all rights to take action against your license, if we found you commiting malicious behavior, sharing, leaking or attempting to crack the menu, action will be taken. You may have to mess with it a bunch to get it work and I may not be able to help you figure it out. Due to the nature of HEN, HEN users have no guarentee that the product will be bug free or even work. There are no refunds whatsoever once you have successfully used your product key. * Includes a built in Script Menu Loader that adds multiple menus from multiple developers for endless fun! No additional installation necessary! * Supporting BLJM players! (Can join friends on BLJM, but not random BLJM players) * Exclusive features no other menu will ever have on PS3! Such as the RTM! * Automatic updates directly downloaded to your PS3, to make sure you have the latest mods, the quickest way possible! * The best modder protection available on PS3, protecting you from events, freezes, objects, and anything else currently possible * Give player REAL mod menu (DEX and HEN now)! This is a full mod menu, just like Co-Host on Call Of Duty games! Paradise SPRX Exclusive! * DEX CFW and now HEN supported! **Hen how now been updated with all the features of the DEX version, and they are equivalent**
Paradise SPRX is the best GTA mod menu for PS3! I intend no harm to your company! Much love <3
Is not at all affiliated with Rockstar Games. I do not sell or distribute any 'mods' for GTA V PC, and I NEVER will. Please go to the news page and read the announcement before you purchase Paradise SPRX GTAĭISCLAIMER FOR ROCKSTAR GAMES AND TAKE TWO INTERACTIVE: Paradise SPRX GTA Important End Of Life Announcement Before You Buy Welcome To Paradise GTA COD News Social User Panel