Releasing on May 26, 2017, the third trailer of Dead Men Tell No Tales has got everyone excited with its tagline reading “The Final Adventure Begins. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales is hitting theatres six years after the fourth installment, On Stranger Tides. The fifth film in the blockbuster franchise Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead Men Tell No Tales is eagerly awaited by the loyal fans worldwide. Deadpool 2 Teaser Trailer released with Logan! Teaser video is all about Ryan Reynolds butt and murder! Also Read - BTS V aka Kim Taehyung Reveals How Johnny Depp From Cry-Baby Inspired His 'Butter' Look The latest trailer of hit franchise has amassed 6,578,396 views in less than three days after the release. However, a deleted scene strongly suggests that she knew Jack Sparrow before the encounter and that she has mixed-but-fairly-intense. In the final version of the film, she did little to distinguish herself from the other mermaids who attacked the longboat therein. Thanks to the CGI, we see Johnny Depp as young Sparrow in the flashback sequence, and it is definitely making the wait for the film’s release excruciatingly painful. Marina is one of the beautiful-but-deadly Mermaids of Whitecap Bay, featured in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. But the biggest highlight of the third trailer of Pirates of the Caribbean is Jack Sparrow’s avatar from his younger days. Hey Johnny Depp fans, the new trailer of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales or Pirates of the Caribbean 5 is out, and it is so amazing that you cannot stop yourself from saying Arrr! Hollywood’s most popular pirate, Captain Jack Sparrow is there fighting his old enemy Armando Salazar in order to rule the grumbling ocean.